Reseting your password
If you find yourself in a situation where you have lost or forgotten your password, you can always go through the password reset process as outlined below.
1. Tap the "Log in" button on your Maple account.
2. Tap "Forgot your password"
3. Enter the email address you used to register for Maple and press "send me instructions"
You will receive and email with instructions for resetting your password within a few minutes.
If you don't receive the email, please double check your trash and your spam folder incase it got caught in either of those.
Changing your password
You can always change the email and password associated with your Maple account whenever you want by following the steps below.
1. Open Maple on your phone and navigate to the "Account" as seen below:
2. Once in Settings, you'll want to tap on "My Profile" which will bring you to the profile edit screen (as seen below).
3. Enter the desired new password in both the "Password" field and the "Password Confirmation" field (highlighted above). If you wish to change your email as well, please enter your desired email in the email field (directly above the password fields).